Thursday 8 May 2008

Summary of Being Bad Module

Study: Criminal justice and Sociology
I think this module relates to my study of Criminal Justice and my “volunteering in the community” module as I am working with people on probation, this module debated on behaviour which is wrong and what has lead people to carryout bad behaviour therefore this has helped me understand the motives behind why the people on probation commit crimes such as theft, if it wasn’t for this module I wouldn’t be as open minded as I have grown over 12 weeks to be. I have found this module appropriate, I wouldn’t want to say too easy until I get my results but, I have been given the same amount of work as my other modules. I think the topics we studied should have been about bad behaviour on a bigger scale because it would have related more to subjects such as topics like terrorist, drug trafficking trade and online bed behaviour because it is a contemporary form of bad behaviour. The module that I think should be taken of the programme are: masturbation and infidelity because I think what I learnt from these modules would never help me in my life so is pointless, it just made many people feel uncomfortable.
I didn’t mind about the fact the lecture took place during the evening because its better for part time students and it was a laid back lesson so I am not complaining about any format because you didn’t stress me out with a lot of work. The module team was good and were available weren’t difficult to contact when I needed to contact. The debates were interesting and people made some great input on the lecture so without the discussions the potential I had to learn would have been limited. I am not planning to take ip the following module to being bad because is quiet irrelevant to my study, I would recommend this to a friend because for a first year module the work is not very demanding and is more of a fun lecture so they should take advantage. I liked the way the words were limited especially in the creative writing piece because it was a challenge to be creative for once as I haven’t use my imagination since year 9.
I have found issues relating to crime as bad behaviour useful because it related to my study however topics such as masturbation didn’t benefit me in the slightest so was a waste of time. Overall, I enjoyed the module and the blogs should be used in other modules ones they start to become reliable because it will reflect how people are devolving a sense of understanding overtime and will help people stay up to date all the time as they are posted regularly.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Beauty Pageant Kids

I think kids should be kids and nothing would get in the way of that. Pushy parents of these children are very selfish and don’t understand the extent they are mentally troubling these children. They may say that this contest will better their child’s future and allow many opportunities however, the child would grow up thinking they must a certain way and will be insecure is they don’t maintain an image, and this overshadow the good side of the contest.
To see more on pageant kids and the bad effects this behaviour has:

Monday 5 May 2008

Are Pit Bulls really to blame?

Recently there has been a huge spotlight in the media about young males bad behaviour, breeding fighting dogs. Owners tend to “roll” their dogs (fight their dogs) for money. Dogs have been mentally and physically destroyed in these fights, and kids have even been killed by these vicious dogs. Pit Bulls have been known to do such harm, I still think these are great dogs but I know which ones I shouldn’t mess with. I think it is the responsibility of the owner, if Pit Bulls are brought up with a loving owner and are treated with care they will be well behaved however, if they are owned by people using their dog as a status symbol as young lad do I today’s Britain and are encouraged to fight they will become very rebellious.
So, people need to remember not all Pit Bulls are aggressive and it is the media and irresponsible owners which as lead people to stereotype them.

Sunday 4 May 2008

comment 4- Josef Fritzl is a sick man!

In response to

This the worst crime I have ever heard of, I don’t know how he could do this to his own flesh and blood. I don’t know of a punishment harsh enough for him , what could be worse then the death penalty?. This man is definatly the sickest man in the world and I cant even look at his photo without feeling frightened, just look at his eyes and you can tell he is some sort of sex offender.

It is clear that Josef Fritzl is not mentally stable and i think he is going to be sent to a mental institution rather than a prison because criminals don't even commit this sort if crime.

Saturday 3 May 2008

comment 3- arrange marriages

Lol like the pic, I want to say that you must understand arrange marriages today are not like before although some cases have been reported. You now get to choose who you want to get married to and get to know each other years before you officially gat married think of it like erm… going with you dad to a car showroom, picking a car but road testing it before you buy it. From what I heard, back in the day of you were getting an arrange marriage it was as if you were marrying the whole family which is the reason why they have had a high success rate, if the couple are unhappy they would feel pressured by their family and feel their families would looses respect from others making it difficult for them to consider divorce.

Arrange marrige although not as common as the 60's is still present and this behaviour is dangerous. I want to share a case with you about somone i know who was forced into an arrange marriage many years ago, she didn't know the man who she was going to marry untill her wedding day (imagine that) and she later found he was a notorious drug dearler after a long struggle she was finally divorced. When parents are deciding on a marriage they are blind to what the potential partner is up to, allowing their daughter/son to be involved with someone elses life thye know nothing about and only speak to the parents of that partner, the main difference between western marriges and this marriage is that western ones ususlly know who there parner is and all their secrets they are reluctant to talk about.

The following case links to a recent article illustrating how wrong it is to be divorded form an arrange marriage according to some people, a woman was killed in the name of "honour":

Friday 2 May 2008

Do rappers pollute teenage minds?

Although I haven’t been influenced and I enjoy listening to SOME hip hop (keep in mind not all rap has offensive lyrics),I still think they have potential to highly influence growing teenagers. Rappers like Snoop Dogg and 50 Cent, usually refer to women as “bitches” and talk about sex, drugs, violence and money and other illegal activities and the message they are sending is very indecent. Young teenagers look at rappers and sometimes without knowing can imitate their behaviour and start using the same language as these rappers do, I only have to walk down the road and I’ll see a group of young lads walking with a limp and listening to their I-pods (something to do with being shot in the leg, correct me if I’m wrong)

Those who don’t agree with me saying rappers influence young teenagers may simply blame it on the parents saying that it is the parents responsibility to teach their child to chose the correct role models. Let me know your views on this topic please because its my most interesting one.
Have a look at this site because if you think rap doesn’t put teenagers at risk think again,

Thursday 1 May 2008

Extreme sports

I thought of including this topic in my blog after reading an article on a recent incident thins raised my awareness of the extent in which fun experiences can lead to fatal accidents.

People are attracted to this dangerous behaviour for fun and the adrenaline rush which people feel as though they are addicted to the “buzz” or too push themselves to the limits as human beings to test how much they can take. handle I think although the individuals involved with this behaviour may not think they are doing wrong, it may not have even crossed their mind but due to the fact they are reducing their chances if survival may trigger the debate extreme sports are immoral (I am talking about sports where people do not have sufficient safety equipment). I think extreme sports addicts are similar to effects people have from alcohol because people can drink and drink and then become dependent and may eventually die of liver failure as a result in the same way people participating in extreme sports push themselves to perform more and more dangerous act and eventually would also have fatal consequences if they force themselves one to many.

Wednesday 30 April 2008

comment 2- taking your own life

I believe taking your own life is the cowards way out because the individual think that suicide would cure their own problems and do not think about the people they are leaving behind. From experience I can tell you that when someone is contemplating suicide they are not in a healthy mental state and often are suffering from depression and are not treated with the disorder so have unresolved mental issues. They feel at rock bottom and commit suicide as a long term sentence to a short term problem and the pain is underlying in their brain which is escalating and is why people should seek help before it gets too much for them to handle. I think suicide is wrong as they are using the wrong device to cure their problems. I disagree with you as you say suicide is courageous because for example someone addicted to alcohol should seek help rather than letting alcohol take over them which is more courageous than taking their own life because they are fighting back rather than giving in or if someone lost someone they loved and try and carry on with their own lives although this may be extremely difficult this is more courageous than taking their own.

Imagine if your son/daughter committed suicide, how would you feel? Guilty is what most people would say because they feel that they failed their child or if the person left children or grandchildren behind, they would feel something in their life Is missing which can have severe effects on they sub consciously, this feeling lasts a lifetime therefore the act is extremely selfish.

People do not open up and talk about their problems which reinforces the thoughts of suicide, especially men who usually bottle up their problems, people who commit suicide don’t understand the fact “there is always light at the end of the tunnel” and they believe that their life revolves around a certain problem and don’t understand there is more to it, people need to be educated about the value of life.

Tuesday 29 April 2008

comment 1 -Size 0

Comment in response to

I agree with you, I think it is very sad that young girls take extreme measure to look like their idols and dedicate themselves to this image which they think they must make. We now live in a society where thin is most attractive and these opinions have been enforced by celebrities. These images we see everywhere of thin models affect vulnerable teenagers physically and mentally which is unhealthy for both their physical and mental state. take a look at this link and it shows that magazines and TV effect many women’s perception of their own bodies. When they look in the mirror they think their body is a bigger size than what it actually is. This indicates how powerful the exposure to images of size 0 models actually are.

Monday 28 April 2008

lost ur dignity on alcohol

Alcohol can make even one of the worlds most powerful persons look like an idiot. Take this for example, Nicholos Sarkosy at the G8

This video clip speaks for itself.

When people are pissed outta their head it makes them look stupid , its ok to get bladdered whilst partying because you and everyone else is doing the same thing at a suitable place but its inappropriate when walking down the street with a brown paper bag wrapped around it and other people are around because people seem to be more frightened if somone was drunk on the street rather than in a pub/club. Even though you may have been plastered, how many of u can say u didn't feel regretful the next day?

Saturday 26 April 2008

Is being to religious bad?

I think being to religious is bad and can make others around them feel uncomfortable especially when religious people look as if they are dictating to others. Firstly, when I hear people in the middle of town shouting in the name of god and usually talk in an agressive tone, I walk past briskly so he or she doesn’t stop and tell me how everyone has sinned because honestly I don’t really care and how the hell do they know your life story. I think people would have a more positive perception of preachers on the streets if they were more optimistic and started to praise us because we don’t want to be told we will are going to hell.

Also, an extreme case of being to religious is Phelps family aka “the most hate family in America” who are part of Westboro Baptist church in Kansas, they claim to be Christian but this religious organisation can not interpret the bible correctly and are bendy the scriptures to accommodate their negative opinions. E.g. They protested at funerals of American soldiers killed in Iraq saying the soldiers where punished by god for fighting for a county which accepted homosexuality.

Click on this link to watch an interview with this family to understand how "bad" they are being:

Being to religious crosses the line when people are made to feel put down and when people carry on protesting without interpreting the holy scriptures correctly, the Phelps especially are not saying the correct message of the bible and in fact, god does not hate the world or even sinners.

Monday 21 April 2008

Is it a sin to masturbate?

Masturbation has been around for hundereds of years. I think because it has been around for so long and is common in modern society, it isn't either right or wrong. People may think it is right because it may be used as an alternative to having sex with somone and can be used as an alternative to borth control. Also, i belive people see it as a immoral wrong act due to religious beliefs however, in the bible it mentions "sexual immorality" is a sin, people interprete this as; sex before marriage and maturbation however, no reference to masturabtion ,the bible actually indicates "sexual immorality" with another person.Therefore, masturbation is not harming no one only the individual however, the line is drawn when the masturbation becomes a lustful obsession as the individual would begin to lack in self control.

Sunday 20 April 2008

why are teenagers attracted to smoking?

I think the media plays a significant role attracting vunerable teenagers into smoking as it glamorised using role models in films, associating smoking with positive images.
This image is of Michelle Pfeiffer in Scarface, in this film she is presented as sexy young woman always dressed well and frequently seen smoking . I believe this association attracts young girls to smoke, teenagers are easily influenced and woud like to copy their role models. Also, many artists such as Collie Budds and Snoop Dogg and many more specifically make songs centred round smoking canabis making canabis sound "cool" again influencing behaviur of teenagers.
Also, as i said before teenagers are likley to take more risk taking behaviour due to the state of their hormones, therefore they belive they are invincible and underestimate how easily they can become addicted to the substance. This doesn't only relate to smoking or drug taking but also unsafe sex and crime.
Here is a link showing how factors such as the media and peer pressure influence the decisions of young teenagers:

Saturday 19 April 2008


I think stealing from a big company is less harmful than stealing from a small cornershop, because it wouldn't really leave a big hole in the pocket of Tesco's if a bottle goes missing. However, it is still an unacceptable crime because the item doesn't belong to the robber and why should he or she not have to pay when everyone else does. The crime becomes more harmful when one person is targeted for example- if someone gets mugged walking down the road minding their own business then, they have more chance of becoming mentally effected. I am not dismissing the fact stealing from corporations is not a crime, but it os a fact no one is mentally affected but a tiny amount of their mmoney, and it is what businnesses expect, because it's universal that people rob from stores otherwise there wouldn't be security.

It is a different story if masses of items go missing on a regular basis, but this isn't the case. Research have shown tha main things that a stolen from stores are goods such as razor blades not double door fridge freezers.

Thursday 10 April 2008


I think the basis of relationship is trust and once it is broken it can not be rebuilt. After watching the filn "Unfaithful" it was made clear that infidelity can mentally destroy an individual not only the loyal partner,but also the infidel.This film tells me that Infidelity has fatal consequences this was made clear in the ending if the film as the married couple were driving off and with the burden that they caused a situation which they would have to carry for all their life, not only because Oliver Martinez was dead but also their marriage vows had been broken which are the basis of a secure relationship. In relation to this film and to prior knowledge of infidelity I believe the action is totally wrong because of the negative emotions it triggers, the unfaithful spouse carries the burden of shame and when the secret is exposed the loyal partner would feel heartbroken. This film shows there is no advantage of Infidelity apart of the immediate gratification of the urge which attracts the individual toward this behaviour, and when the excitement wears off it becomes serious and becomes difficult to discontinue and get on with life as normal without a guilty conscious.

Click this link to find more reviews on the film:

Friday 28 March 2008


Stalking is when someone has an obsession with another individual or group of people and seek to find information about them.Stalkers usually suffer from personality issues or have mental disorders, which is why I was suprised during the lecture when someone stated the celebrities are stalked by the media, this is definatly a form of atalking and shows stalkers can be anyone, as the paparazzi do seek to get details of others, however they are excuseble as no one really refers to these photographers as "stalkers" but "paparazzi" means just photographers who follow famous people, although they do not just follow famous people but affect their victims day to day lives. I believe stalking is sinful behaviour because although the victim may not be aware they are being stalked there is still a risk they could find out and can lead to feelings of insecurity, depression and fear.
Click on this link to find more information on the effects of stalking

Friday 7 March 2008

Smoking, eerrrrrr...

Smoking is a nasty habbit, it makes your breath stink and hardcore smokers sound like Selma from the simpsons, i've never met a smoker who has said smoking is pleasant or attractive so im right . I have hardly heard of anyone who started smoking as a mature adult, 80% of smokers started as a teen and are unfortunatly addicted.

I believe this is not immoral because teenagers do stupid things because your not aware your doing wrong, its an exception because its part of growing up and plus your hormones are all over the show, so you regret it later in life because you understand morals more, if you get me! . oh, ye and also, it annoys me when I see mothers smoking when there pushing the pram or pregent thats obvioulsly immoral. I think it starts to become immoral when smokers put other in danger because it's inconsiderate and morals are based on being good to others.

Thursday 21 February 2008

Where shall i go on a field trip?

For the being bad module feild trip i think we should go somewhere very immoral and has a reputation of bad behaviour and the first place that comes to mind is Amsterdam. This trip will entail most aspects of the Being Bad Module, the quote "good girl go to heaven and bad girls go to Amsterdam" says it all.

Clich this link to see the list the places we can go lol :